

Sampler (White). 1999. Hand embroidery on linen. 31.75 x 31.75 inches (80.6 x 80.6 cm).


Top to bottom, left to right:

Robert Rauschenberg, Elaine Reichek

WHITE Its clearness directing all our action. . . .
WHITE The color of modern times, the color
that dissipates a whole era. Our age is one of
perfection, purity, and certitude.
WHITE Includes everything. . . .
WHITE pure white.

—Theo van Doesberg, “The Will to Style,” De Stijl, 1930


White: the true real conception of infinity.

—Kasimir Malevich, “Non-Objective Creation and Suprematism,” 1919


Jasper Johns, Elaine Reichek

White . . . doesn’t interfere. It’s a neutral color.

—Robert Ryman, 1986


THE LAW OF RIPOLIN: A COAT OF WHITEWASH. Every citizen must replace his hangings, his damasks, his wall-papers, his stencils, with a plain coat of white ripolin. His home is made clean. No more dark and dirty corners. Everything is shown as it is. Then comes inner cleanness. . . . Whitewash is extremely moral.

—Le Corbusier, The Decorative Art of Today, 1925


Agnes Martin, Elaine Reichek